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Entries in Lloyd Rohr (7)


Lloyd Rohr's Saturday night gig

After slipping and sliding our way into downtown Two Rivers this morning I decided to close shop. It is ugly out...34 degrees, freezing rain, big pools of sloppy slush everywhere. Treacherous walking and driving, and if it freezes later today like they predict I imagine a lot of businesses will be closed tomorrow as well.

BUT, last night was a different story...the weather was good, Lloyd Rohr was great, and everyone had a fun time. I just added the photos from last night to the Flickr sets in the right-hand column - Lloyd's at the top of the list. Click on it and then click "view as slideshow" in the upper right if you want to view them all that way.


Acoustic Music this Saturday night/Closing early Thursday night

1) Tomorrow night, Feb.14th we will be closing a bit early in the evening, at 6:30pm, in order to conduct our first Valentine's Day special tasting event. The event had a limited seating allowance and that got filled up right away, and it's a private party kind of event, so we'll be locking the doors at 6:30 when those folks who signed up get here. Again, we'll be doing tastings like this pretty much every month from now on, and will let you know via email and the blog.

2) This Saturday night at 7:00 Lloyd Rohr will be bringing his acoustic and vocal talent to the Stump. Lloyd's got a great, mellow acoustic sound and this is his first gig at Stumpjack, so come on down if you're able and spend some relaxing and mellow time with us. We saw Lloyd perform a few months ago and really enjoyed the cool vibe he put out...this is going to be a very fine Saturday night.

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